Bible Readings for February 28-March 6

Romans 13

Why do some people find it a challenge to submit to governing authorities? How does Christian beliefs—either yours or the governing authority’s—help or hinder this desire to submit?

Do you act as if you believe that God has instituted those in authority? In what ways?

How does loving others fulfill the law?

Romans 14

How well do you accept the weak? The strong? Why is this the case?

How might some be guilty of causing others to stumble?

Romans 15

What specific action might be considered “bearing with the weak?” In what ways do you act like this?

What has Christ accomplished through you to win others to him?

Romans 16

Why do you think Paul wrote this list of names to conclude this letter?

Ephesians 1

Verses 3-14 are one sentence in the original Greek. Summarize this “sentence” in your own words.

How has your life changed by being adopted as a child of God?

Who do you remember in prayers of thanksgiving and why? Have you told them this lately?

What does it mean for you faith that Christ is the head of the church?

Prayer for the week: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” (Ephesians 1.18-21, NIV)

Get a full 2021 Reading List HERE.

Bible Readings for February 21-27

Romans 8

If there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, why are there so many Christians who fear they are going to miss out on eternal life due to sin in their life?

What does it mean to walk by the Spirit and not by flesh? What examples can you give from your life that demonstrates this?

What are ways you remind yourself that the present sufferings you face cannot compare to the future glory that is to be revealed?

If God is for you, who can be against you?

Romans 9

Would it be difficult for you to say you wish you could be cut off from Christ for the sake of your kin or family? Why or why not?

Romans 10

How have you seen the truth of the following verse: “Everyone who believes in [Christ] will not be put to shame”?

In what ways are you the “beautiful feet” that share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ?

Romans 11

Why do you think Paul was concerned to show God’s love not only for the Jews—Paul’s own people—but for the Gentiles, as well?

Romans 12

What does “present your bodies as living sacrifices” look like for followers of Jesus today?

What specific actions do you take not to be conformed to the pattern of this world?

What gifts have you been given by God and how are you using them for the body of Christ?

Prayer for the week: “Lord, may we always offer ourselves to you as living sacrifices, loving others, rejoicing in hope, and in constant prayer to you.”

Get a full 2021 Reading List HERE.

Bible Readings for February 14-20

Romans 3

While we know that Paul as quoting the Old Testament when he writes “none is righteous,” what is your initial thinking as you read it? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

How does the fact that “all have sinned” but “are justified by grace” affect what it means to live a life following God?

Romans 4

From what you know about the story of Abraham, how easy was it for him to have faith that the promise of God would come through Abraham’s offspring? What does this tell you about God’s promises?

Describe a time that you have “hoped against hope” for a promise of God. How did you waiting ultimately play out?

Romans 5

How has being justified through faith given you peace with God?

Is there anything else that is more certain that our hope in God? Why do we at times not act like this is the case?

What is your reaction to knowing that Christ died for the ungodly, that while we were sinners, Christ dies for us?

Romans 6

If you have died to sin, why do you continue to live in it?

Romans 7

Do you ever feel like the person Paul describes here, doing the very things you do not want to do? Why is it so easy for this to be a reality in our lives?

Who rescues you from this sort of life? How?

Prayer for the week: “God, we give you praise for sending your son to die for us, even though we were sinners. May we live in the faithfulness of him.”

Get a full 2021 Reading List HERE.

Bible Readings for February 7-13

Matthew 26

Are you surprised at Jesus’ response to the disciples’ reaction against the woman who anointed him? What response might you have thought him to make?

Do you think the disciples understood what it meant for Jesus to have his blood shed for them? How do you understand his shedding of blood for you and more specifically, your salvation?

How do you think you would have responded to those arresting Jesus if you were one of his disciples in the garden? In what ways do we react in the same way as these disciples when our own faith in Jesus is tested or challenged?

Matthew 27

How does Jesus’ response to his accusers compare to how we respond to someone accusing us, especially someone who accuses us falsely? What can you or should you change in your own life as a result of Jesus’ example?

If you had been a casual observer of Jesus’ crucifixion and heard all of the things that happened when he died, how do you think you would have been impacted?

Why is the message of the centurion at the cross so crucial to Matthew’s message?

Matthew 28

What did the women come to the tomb to find? Do you think the women were afraid? What reason would Jesus have to tell them not to be afraid?

What are ways you are going about making disciples? How can you make doing so more a priority in your day-to-day life?

Romans 1

What reasons might someone give for your faith?

In what ways is the good news (gospel) of Jesus Christ power for salvation in your life?

What does it mean to live by faith? Does this describe your life? How can you do this better?

Romans 2

When you had a time in your life where you had to repent, what brought you to that moment? How much did God’s kindness move you to repentance? Why is his kindness important to moments of repentance in your life?

Paul writes that it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous, but those who are doers of the law. What does “doing the law” look like for us today in 2021?

Prayer for the week: “Lord, may we be always seeking to make disciples.”

Get a full 2021 Reading List HERE.